Saturday, September 4, 2010

Step 1: Pass Grade 12 Biology

I work full time - at a school, ironically enough, though not as a teacher - so I thought the chances of me actually making it to night classes were pretty slim. When I mentioned that I might want to do some science courses, one of my co-workers mentioned the Independent Learning Centre (ILC), Ontario's "designated provider of distance education" (a catchy slogan if I've ever heard one). For $40, I could register for a course without even providing my transcripts, and get all of my coursework delivered to my e-mail in-box.

Initially, I thought this may not be a such a good idea. Those who know me know I am liable to procrastinate, especially when there are no deadlines looming. The ILC gives students (oh good lord I'm a student) something like 10 months to complete their courses, so it's not like the pressure is on for me to get 'er done. However, I don't want to still be working on these things when I'm 30 (I'm 25 right now), so I have resolved not to slack off too much. Plus, my boyfriend has oh-so-selflessly promised to crack the whip and keep me motivated.

I sent in my registration info last week, and yesterday I got word that I was registered and could start any old time. Because I woke up this morning after my first run in my Vibram Five Fingers yesterday and am now basically immobile, I thought now would be a good time to start.

After reading the introduction, I was somewhat deflated. In addition to the "key questions" I have to answer and send in for marking, I also have to write "reflections" about my learning. Back in high school, I was of the opinion that reflections were pointless busywork, done grudgingly because I needed them to pass. I thought maybe, because I'm not in the classroom full-time, I might get out of them this time. Alas, even correspondence courses have some pointless busywork elements.

So, on to Unit 1: Metabolic Processes. And if I ever get discouraged, I always have this to cheer me up:

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